4 Ways to Check Your Dog’s Health At Home
Read on to find out how to easily check your dog's health at home, in 4 easy steps.

Below, we’ll walk you through four ways you can check your dog’s health at home so that they can keep putting their best paw forward.
Whether your dog loves or loathes its annual trip to the vet, regular check-ups are essential for keeping them healthy. But once a year isn’t the only time we should be paying attention to our pet’s health — we need to keep watch all year round!
Watch Their Weight

Watch your dog’s weight by looking at the shape of their belly.
An extra treat here, skipping a walk there, and the next thing you know, your pooch is looking a little pudgy around the middle. Doggy obesity can cause diabetes, heart problems, arthritis, and many other health issues, so keeping your pet’s weight in check is key.
The good news is that you don’t need doggy-sized scales; you can check your dog’s weight simply by looking at the shape of its belly. A well-defined waist is a good sign, but if you notice a round or oval-shaped belly, it’s time to shed a few kilos. On the other hand, if your dog suddenly loses a tonne of weight, this is a sign of an underlying health issue — time to call the vet!
Check For Parasites
Intestinal worms, ticks and fleas are common parasites that affect your pet’s health, so make sure you’re regularly checking for any signs of infestation. To check for ticks, run your hands over your dog’s body, or use a small comb to check for new lumps and bumps carefully. Be sure to check all parts of your pet, including in and around tricky spots like the ears, between the toes and around the mouth.
Fleas are smaller and harder to spot, so keep an eye out for excessive itching and scratching, red or irritated skin, and localised hair loss. While you can see some gastrointestinal worms species in your dog’s poo, this isn’t always the case! Keep an eye out for any of these tell-tale symptoms:
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Pot-bellied appearance
- Low energy
- Changes in appetite
- Scooting.
Treating your dog with Drontal Allwormer® every three months* will defeat and control all 12 intestinal worm species that can harm your pooch.
Look For Healthy Teeth and Gums
Bad doggy breath is hard to miss and clearly shows that your pet’s oral health isn’t up to scratch. Regularly check your dog’s teeth and gums for any signs of redness, lumps, or decay. Feeding your pet a good diet and brushing their teeth with pet-friendly toothpaste are great ways to keep your dog’s mouth healthy.

It’s important to take note of any behavioural changes in your dog.
Notice Behavioural Changes
You know your dog better than anyone, so if they aren’t acting themselves, there’s a good chance something isn’t right. Sometimes, major life changes — like moving house — can cause behavioural changes, although it could signify something more serious. Look for excessive panting, cowering, or aggression, as these could be signs of stress and anxiety.
So there you have it — four ways to check your dog’s health at home in between your regular vet visits. But, of course, if you notice anything odd about your pet’s health or behaviour, always make an appointment with your vet so they can investigate right away!
*Refer to label.