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Cats, Dogs

How to Choose the Best Deworming Treatment For Your Pet

Read more to learn the the best deworming and worming non-negotiables to keep in mind at your next vet visit.

We all want what’s best for our pets but knowing how to choose the best deworming treatment is no easy feat! With so many products on the market, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure if you’re protecting your four-legged friend from all of the parasites that can cause them harm. 

Below, we’ll share three deworming treatment non-negotiables to keep in mind so that you feel confident to make the right choice at your next vet visit.


Deworming Treatment Non-Negotiables

1. Does It Protect From All Intestinal Worms?

Not all deworming treatments are made equally. So, when weighing up the options, never assume that all products protect against all species of intestinal worms. You’ve probably heard about ‘the big four’ intestinal worm groups, but what you might not know is that they each have different species. Make sure the treatment you choose controls and defeats all of them!

2. Is It Safe to Partner With Other Treatments?

An Allwormer also needs to be the perfect partner to your pet’s other regular treatments like heartworm, flea, and tick prevention. Unfortunately, not all deworming treatments are safe to use with other products, so you’ll want to make sure you choose a solution that plays well with others.

3. Is It Easy to Use?

With health and safety covered, you’ll also want an Allwormer that’s practical to use! Pet owners know how difficult deworming can be, so choosing a product that makes the experience as pain-free as possible is the goal.


Drontal® comes in tasty chews!

What’s the Best Deworming Treatment For Dogs?

Drontal Allwormer® is an excellent option for dog owners as it treats and controls all 12 intestinal worm species — including roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, whipworms, and Giardia. It’s perfect for dogs of all shapes and sizes and comes in a range of chews, tablets, and puppy suspension.*

You can rest assured that Drontal® is also safe to partner with your dog’s other treatments —including heartworm, flea and tick prevention—making it the perfect way to combat parasites.

Learn More about Worms in Dogs here!


What About Deworming Cats?

Drontal® coated cat tablets are easy to administer!

Drontal® is also an ideal deworming treatment for cats as it treats and controls eight intestinal worms (excluding lungworm and heartworm). It’s also safe for kittens and pregnant or lactating queens** and is film-coated to make tableting your cat a cinch! 

Learn More about Worms in Cats Here!

Now you’re ready to choose! 

So, there you have it — all the information you need to select the best deworming treatment for your pet. Remember the three non-negotiables and talk to your vet about how Drontal® can keep your furry friend safe from all intestinal worm species.

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*Please note, puppy suspension does not treat tapeworm. 

** Please refer to label.

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